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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Through Suspense

There are so many Christian writer who never stop to give their creative talents for Christian literature, just like world-renowned Don Brown. And because of these writers continuous contribution, people of today's generation find it easier to find God. Who ever stated that you can't mix the qualities of a good adventure book with the elements of spirituality must have never had Christian mystery books to read within their entire lives.

But the thing about most Christian mystery books is that they're just as great, if not greater, than a lot of suspense and thrills works published today. Their religious context is even among the factors that enhances their plots and twists. And as I have stated previously, even non-Christians find a lot of these Christian books equally worth a read as any book released in the market.

The secret in most mystery books written in Christian light is that they are not primarily for entertainment or fame. Unlike most mainstream fictions that we encounter, Christian books are written to channel important life messages only by means of stories. Whereas, for most mystery books, their main purpose is to amaze the public and gather praises for the author's writing skills and styles.

But these religious context that Christian mystery books offer is not the same religious context that most of the world has come to conclude. Back then, when people here the terms "religion" or "Christianity", they wrinkle their noses. But today, even non-believers find themselves engrossed in a lot of Christian values and beliefs that had been brought to them by modern day Christian mystery books.

Christian mystery books are not too far from the thriller and suspense books that we know. They have the same elements that keep readers interested and hooked up. They both have interesting story lines that include a lot of mind-bothering events and roller coasters of suspense. They even both have interesting characters whose lives are really worth keeping an eye on. Then again, there is still one specific thing that parts typical mystery books from Christian mystery books, and it is the context of spirituality.

Though Christian books used to be accepted with skepticism before, things are different now. Today, Christian books are no longer considered "boring" or "too religious", as most Christian writers have made a point to make their works equally appealing as most mainstream books. In order to do this, most Christian authors have taken the step to adapt contemporary styles of writing. And they did not fail, because a lot of Christian mystery books that have been introduced to the public have garnered a lot of praises.

Written by Julia, you might also get interested in quest study bible.

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