Searching for a church you are happy with doesn't necessarily can be found in an instant. From time to time, you have to visit several churches in order to make your heart feel settled. Thus, before selecting a new church, it's useful for you to have church defined. What is church in your case? Are you looking for a neighborhood of fellow believers or a social support network? Or only fulfilling a family tradition?
In case you look at church being a body of fellow believers in God, then below are great tips for finding a church home:
1. Start out with faith and prayer - The absolute right place to start your research is on your knees. If you're looking a lot more than tradition and socializing, dont leave God out of the equation. Ask for His guidance to assist you encounter fellow believers. Then start making your choice. I'm certain that He wants you to find a church home more than you do.
2. Start searching - This the tedious part simply because it requires hard work plus some time. It requires thought and determination. When you are hoping to find a new church, it demands asking around, using the web and search engines, and being willing to take a look at various churches. It usually takes a couple of Sundays visiting a few independent baptist churches.
3. Make time to heed the call - Dont rush when making a conclusion. Consider and don't forget that it's a big decision. Since it's an extremely heavy decision for you personally and your family, take some time, weigh your own choices and seek Gods face and direction through it all. While you're making your final decision, keep in mind that as long as the independent baptist church you are considering is teaching and living Gods Word, there'll be no wrong decision.
4. Difficult choices - The easiest way to make a choice is to blend the previously mentioned ideas. In any decision, the best way to arrive at the best conclusion is always to join prayer and common sense together. Use your learning while searching, alongside seeking God through prayer to decide on a baptist church.
If you find that your research for that new church goes right down tojust a few dead-end, dont lose faith and be not afraid to turn around. A good church is tooessential to your spiritual health and your familys well being. So do not make second-rate or light-hearted decision.
Finding an independent baptist church will take time and wisdom. Seek help from God, from other people, and relish the journey. Enjoy learning something totally new, visiting churches and denominations for sooner or later, you do not have to do it over again once you discover the best church for you.